IHM GWALIOR : Institute of Hotel Management Gwalior

Accommodation Operation

Accommodation Operation
Housekeeping is an operational department in a hotel, which is responsible for cleanliness, maintenance, aesthetic upkeep of rooms, public area, back area and surroundings. A hotel survives on the sale of room, food, beverages and other minor services such as the laundry, health club, spa and so on. The sale of rooms constituter a minimum of 50 per cent of these sales. Thus, the major part of the hotel’s margin of profit comes from the room sales, because a room once made can be sold over and over again. The effort that a housekeeping department makes in giving a guest a desirable room has a direct bearing on the guest’s experience in a hotel. Guestrooms are the heart of the hotel. The housekeeping department not only prepares clean guestroom on a timely basis for arriving guest, but also cleans and maintains everything in the hotel so that the property is as fresh and attractive as the day it opened for business. Housekeeping, thus, is an ancillary department that contributes in a big way towards the overall reputation of a property.
high school diploma
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